Mike and Jeff,
I wanted to follow up on the camp in Panorama City last week (I meant to get this out over the weekend but it slid by way too fast!).
We mostly just wanted to say thank you for putting on the camp and for “powering through” trying times. It was really gratifying as parents to finally be able to tell our kid “It’s On” as opposed to “It’s Cancelled” for a change in these crazy times. Your camps have always been great but this one will be especially memorable.
We’re looking forward to seeing you again soon – perhaps out here later in the summer or next year or in Boston or somewhere in between – or maybe Prague next year.
On the drive back up to NorCal Friday afternoon, Jack said, “Those ProAmbitions guys are kind of honorary Borlands because they powered through, aren’t they?” (Our unofficial family motto is “We’re Borlands – we power through!”).
See you soon,