Maureen Evangelou

Our son attended your power skating camp at Philips Academy Rink this past August taught by John Roderick. I have been meaning to email you to let you know how pleased we were with Coach Roderick. Our son learned more skating from him in one week than he had in the previous “learn to skate/Learn to play hockey” sessions we had him in. He is now enrolled in a In House mite program and while watching him do the drills each week we notice how he is using his edges and doing other things Coach Roderick showed him (like balancing on one foot etc…)

When we first got to camp I was a little worried when I saw only two 6 year old boys (our son is 6) and the rest were a lot older. I thought to myself how can he run this camp in such a way that it would be fair to the two young boys at the same time being fair to the older boys who signed up? Well that thought quickly went away when I saw how he conducted the class. He had everyone doing everything and it couldn’t have worked any better. He was outstanding. If you are planning to have any more of these camps run by Coach Roderick we will definitely be signing up Derek. How about having one at Conway arena in Nashua??

Also, I wanted to ask you how the mini battle camps went this year. I understand they were something you were trying out. They were too far away from us (we are in Londonderry, NH). If they went well are you planning on having them again and if so would you consider any northern Mass or southern NH? I believe you had them in southern and western Mass.

Thank you again for offering this wonderful power skating program. I have been telling everyone I know how great it was and look forward to seeing your upcoming schedule on your website.


Maureen Evangelou

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