Hi Jeff!
I just wanted to let you know what a great time Troy had at the session tonight. He came in a few minutes late as he has tryouts this weekend. We didn’t make it Friday night & unfortunately won’t be able to attend tomorrow. I don’t think he was signed in on the roster, but he was there ?
I was really impressed with the style, energy, and effectiveness of today. The coaches were top notch, the ratio PERFECT, and your attention to all groups was fabulous. We have been to many camps & training programs where everything is over promised and under delivered – what a wonderful surprise!!!
Troy will be coming up to the AAA Prolux boarding camp at BU (6.23) and then doing another week when we will be in Maine – at UNE.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the fact that programs like yours exist ? You put a smile on this ? mom’s face tonight!!
Looking forward to BU!