Jeff Smith

I would like to thank you for the efforts you have put into creating and implementing your Hockey Camps. My son, Caden, just finished attending your camp this week in Cincinnati. Not only did he love the camp, I too enjoyed watching Caden as well as the other kids and your staff smile their way through a great week of hockey. Your staff at the Cincinnati camp is second to none. Each coach loves the game and loves the kids. This was very apparent in how they coached and appealed to the kids. Each night my son (Who is a very young seven year old – December 28 – What a poor Hockey birthday) could not wait to get back for the next day’s events. This is tribute to your staff (Head up by Nelson) as well as your philosophy. I was very impressed how each coach took the time to know the kids names.

Obviously they took the time to learn about each player and what makes them respond on and off the ice. On Tuesday each coach was out in front of Northland waiting to greet the kids. Each coach had a smile on their face and seemed genuinely as excited as the kids to get to work. Your staff was as good as I have ever seen at getting to know the kids. From what I witnessed I will do my part to encourage our players to attend your camp in the summer of 2010. I can not compliment each coach enough for their efforts. You not only select your staff on technical expertise but on the “IT” factor. I can not thank the coaches enough for the wonderful week Caden and I received from your camp.

There was a young coach at your camp that came on board from the Cincinnati Cyclones. I am not sure how you brought Lee Landsdowne on board but he is a great addition to your staff. Lee did the Cyclone camp two weeks prior to your camp and he did a great job at both. Caden and all the kids responded very well to Lee at both camps. I got to know Lee at last year’s Cyclone Camp and he is a terrific young coach. Our organization has brought Lee on board to work with our goalies as well as to build the overall confidence of all of our kids. I am in the process of finding a way to bring Lee on board our staff in a paid capacity (While be it a very minimal paid capacity). For what it is worth please take a good look at Lee and consider him for a permanent position with your organization. He is a great young coach and would bring a tremendous amount of positive things to your organization. Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. We look forward to being part of your camp next summer.

Respectfully, Jeff Smith

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