I wanted to take a moment to just express our appreciation to you for the opportunity and experiences we had in Prague. We ride an emotional rollercoaster with Reese and, earlier this year, we were told this trip was his last competitive hockey experience. Just prior to leaving, they added more people to his care team and discovered his level of fitness is helping his heart handle his activity far better than we expected. This allowed us to fully and thoroughly enjoy our experience with you all.
These experiences are far beyond hockey, which I know you realize. It exposes these kids to the experiences of others, teaches them history, and helps them realize the world is far bigger than their own little sphere. The hockey is just an addition of something they love to do.
Our family is already hoping that the stars align to allow us to join the Italy team next summer. We will watch your emails closely. Reese is too old for the Hockey East clinic in 2024, but would still love to be a part of the on-ice experience in any capacity you will have him. Henry – your words to Reese over this week have meaning and were not taken lightly by him, just so you know. Thank you for your kindness.
Jeff and Christine – thank you for the hard work you put into this. It is obvious you enjoy these experience as much as we all do. It was a pleasure meeting your daughter and I hope we get to join you in Italy. Reese really took to heart what you said to him, Jeff, and he will work on his confidence on the ice to bring it all with him next year.
Thank you is not enough, but it is all I have to offer.