Donna Melancon

I wanted to let you know that we are very satisfied and would recommend your clinc to everyone and we have, John has become a much better all around player since being tutored by you. I believe that the sunday morning sessions helped John make the N,H. select team and the Spartans. He has become a more defensive player which makes his mother proud,since he has always had more ability to play offense. John attacks the puck more and does not let the opponent have it. I appreciate your enthusiasm and your high energy for every early Sunday morning practice it made for an intense practice which kept John’s interest and he did not want to miss one Sunday.

I just hope that he remembers everything that he has learned and continues to incorporate into his play. I was wondering if next year John could possibly come back once a month or so and we could pay you by session? This would help him to continue to be a more rounded player. John will see you at Kent’s Hill this summer.

Donna Melancon

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