
My son is having an incredible week and I see his confidence growing everyday. This kid is my heart so like I said words could never thank you.I think because he had a late hockey start at 10 he felt he never fit in. My husband and I both feel after these three days he feels like a “real” hockey player if that makes sense! My husband just told me he said he wants to also do a battle camp this summer now! I am so happy for him. I am not the most social media savvy girl but have tried to pass along on twitter and Facebook ( and lamely my 14 year old girl says!)
On Instagram my sentiments on you and your camp.I also reached out to my cousin whose son is big at brick stars hockey in nj and am going to reach out to some people I know play for u13 nj Titans Not sure what I could do to show my gratitude so just passing on my awesome experience to those I know.I think I just cannot fathom that you would be so kind to my son and feel so blessed by your presence with him. Have a great night.

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