Anonymous 88
I wanted to personally Thank You for an OUTSTANDING Camp. When I first signed Andy up for the Camp, I was impressed by the potential “Star Power” aspect of the Camp. My attitude rapidly changed after seeing your instructors working with the kids and especially my Son. Although the “Star Power” aspect of the Camp is a great marketing tool, it was your On/Off Ice instructors that thoroughly impressed me. The Bruins organization was a side note to what Andy actually got out of the Camp. I appreciate the time and encouragement your Staff supplied to Andy. On the way home, he asked me if he could do this Camp next year. I told him, if it is local, he will be there. Again, much praise to you and your staff as well as the effort put in by the Bruins Organization, especially Tom Songin.
Thanks again, I look forward to seeing you at Camp next year, and around the Rinks this Season. He feels this Camp has benefited him greatly and he hopes to lead his Team to the State Championships.