Anonymous 53
I just wanted to send a quick note to say that once again you guys ran excellent camps this summer… John Bowkus at LIC w/ the Prolux and you at the Defense camp at Bensenville.
Megan B. and Gehritt deserve special mention as well. Brett has now worked three camps with Megan and not only does he love working with her, but the ‘from the stands’ view it is clear that she is not only a talented hockey player, but has a knack for coaching that is evident. Gehritt also stood out…which is tough to do because all of the coaches are so good.
There was clearly an ice issue at Bensenville that was apparently sprung on short notice, but under the circumstances, I thought you guys did a good
job at dealing with it as quickly as possible.
I won’t spend a great deal of time commenting on the on ice aspects of the camp because it is clear that you guys know what you’re doing, and do a great job. But I wanted to take a minute to comment that it is also the small things and the off ice, non-hockey related aspects like having the kids sit in their groups at lunch to build a little camaraderie that also separates you from the other camps offered.
For what it’s worth, while at both camps I heard several that were observing and had not signed up commenting how good it looked and that they’d wish they’d signed up and will be next year.
As for us, we will definitely see you again next year.
Great job.