Anonymous 149

Just a quick note of thanks, AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!! We were at the westboro rink the other night at yet another hockey game and a parent , who’s son plays with Tyler, asked how was it that Tyler was such a better skater and had a better shot than the rest of the kids he had seen. Of course I took no credit,except to say that we were blessed to have found such a great teacher of the game. He still works on those little things that will make him a better player in high school. Just as he was taught, now, many years ago. Deb and I say it all the time we cannot thank you enough……….. The father also added that he NEVER sees Tyler without a smile on the ice during a game. That too, was also something he has learned from everyone at any camp he went too.


We don’t know how you do it year after year, you always have exceptional people In place . From instructors on and off the ice to every even behind the scenes they are all super people. Who to this day still say hello when we see them As the boys get older and continue to play at a high level , we will ALWAYS thank you for coming into our lives.As well as the many instructors and counselors who have made our boys into what they are today,

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