Anonymous 1

Jeff, when I asked my son what he thought, he said it was amazing. He’s not one for hyperbole and I was definitely impressed as well. That little rink is perfect for the kind of work they’re doing. Less waiting in line, more touches etc.

I particularly find it helpful everyone is pushed to go max speed on every rep. When the best and fastest kids are losing edges and falling I know it’s pedal to the metal which is what I’m trying to get him to develop(those tip toe quick feet). That maxed out approach has been completely abandoned at the youth level from what I’ve seen. It’s a more slower speed/mastery approach instead of finding where you fail and go from there.

I will definitely sign up for the NHL Prep 5 pack. I will probably look to start those towards Feb vacation through the end of the season in March. We’ll have him in both a December and Feb vacation clinic anyway is my guess depending upon his tournament schedules which are still TBD. In two hours those kids probably got about a month’s worth of development today. Dave is great too because we’ll typically go to the clinics he runs in Norfolk or West Roxbury so he
knows him.

We’re believers so I’ll probably sign up soon and I’ll also be on the lookout next week for the new site to see what’s on tap for summer.

Thanks again Jeff,

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