Starting A New Hockey Season by Pro Ambitions Hockey, Inc.

  • You are not the player you were last season, you grew over the summer physically, athletically and mentally.
  • Take a values challenge for the season: write down five values for the school year /hockey season. Some Examples: Compassion, Dedication, Trustworthiness, Integrity, Professionalism
  • Planning is everything. Plan your week every Sunday with your family: school work, hockey and commitments.
  • Maximizing athletic performance requires commitments to a lot of metrics: sleep, hydration, mental well-being, commitment.
  • Take stretching seriously with resistance training for example. Stretching will improve your range of motion on the ice, increase flexibility and help prevent injury.
  • Write down a list of goals for the season.
  • Write down a list of your responsibilities on the ice and read it before games to mentally prepare.
  • Think of a mantra to repeat in your head to keep yourself focused during games and practices. Mine was “ Move Mountain”
  • Plan training and privates away from your team to work on individual skills in an atmosphere without pressure and with unbiased eyes.
  • Enjoy and make the most of your time on the ice. You will play how your practice. Your effort in practice is paramount.
  • Clean your equipment, have your bag packed and ready to go the night before.
  • Be on time for everything.
  • Be early if possible.
  • First on, last off the ice.
  • Have fun with your teammates but once you step foot on the ice…all business.
  • Picture above was from the summer, we sponsored a NASCAR car.
  • All gas no brakes.
  • Wishing everyone an awesome school year and hockey season.
  • We are forming our teams now for Prague Tournament 2023 single player sign up one week in August. We welcome one of our partner coaches from Prague to come over for specialty two day training clinics over the holidays. No beginners.
  • Email us with any questions.
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