Respect The Process by Pro Ambitions Hockey Inc

If you are getting short shifted make the absolute most of the shifts you are getting. High energy is infectious on the bench and the ice. It is noticed. Nail the shifts you get. It is the beginning of the season, learn your coach’s system. Acclimate to his or her style of play early in the season. Skate your hardest on the shifts you are getting. Make them the best shifts before asking for more time. Congratulations to our first Weekly Hockey East Rookie of the season. It is a process to get to play in college. Committing every day and respecting and enjoying the process. There are a lot of  years of ups and downs and tears of joy behind being named Hockey East Pro Ambitions Rookie of the Week. Success is not a straight path especially in hockey. We are beginning our annual October Sale where we send out a daily tip of the day throughout the month. Our goal is to help parents and players and bring up discussion points. Enjoy 15% off through Midnight Halloween on all training minus Pro Ambitions European Training Camps and Tournaments as always in October. We are gearing up for a huge summer back to five weeks of AAA boarding camp at BU, AAA Hockey East Camp at Providence College, Battle Boarding Midwest and MA Maritime on Cape Cod, Hockey Surf at URI as well as Nationwide Battle Camps and Bruins Camps. We are welcoming many of our European partner coaches to Boston for the summer from Prague Sweden and Finland who train our players in Europe annually. We are building quite a team for Summer 2024.

Email Coach Henry to discuss a plan for your player.

Sale code: SALE23
Ends October 31st at Midnight
Insta: @proambitionshockeyinc

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Annual tradition daily hockey tip emails daily Oct 1 through Halloween.
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