Remembering 9/11 and Hockey

September 11 Remembering and Hockey
- Remembering the heroes and the hockey moms and dads who lost their lives on 9/11
- Remembering is a big part of hockey
- Remembering the nicknames of friends on my team and all of the laughs
- Remembering waking up so early for tournaments games and even practices that DD and Starbucks were not even open yet
- Remembering driving through snow storms to get to hockey
- Remembering the amazing car rides home with smiles and celebrations
- Remembering the the tough car rides home with tears
- Remembering the team sleep overs and parties
- Remembering the tough placements on a team and how it made me stronger
- Remembering the feeling of scoring THAT goal
- Remembering a tap on the shoulder from my coach when I really needed it
- Remembering so many amazing coaches and mentors
- Remembering my mom and dads face of pride on the glass
- Remembering being up late doing homework because my practice was so late
- Remembering my parents hanging out with other parents having as much fun at the tournaments as me playing shinny in the hotel halls with teammates
- Remembering all the great hockey people I have had the pleasure to meet
- Remembering why we all play