Labor Day Recognizing 3rd/4th Liners

  • Happy Labor Day everyone.
  • Today recognizes hard work and the fruits of your labor.
  • I wanted to recognize and discuss theĀ  hard work of some of the less glorified players on the team.
  • Talking about the third and fourth liners.
  • The third and fourth linesĀ  are important and counted on for a lot more than meets the eye.
  • Third and Fourth liners are not always expected and counted on to score so when you do, you will open eyes because yourĀ  less expected scoring contributions will be greatly appreciated.
  • Third and Fourth lines need to shut down scoring. Remember that as your primary focus.
  • You will be noticed for how you move the puck, how you move your feet, your engine and conditioning,Ā  your break outs, getting the puck out of your end and finishing your checks.
  • Most coaches juggle players and will make line adjustments especially in youth hockey.
  • Lines should not be pigeon holed in youth hockey because growth is happening in player development all of the time.
  • We are starting a new season, a new coach will view you completely different than your coaches from last year.
  • Every coach prefers a certain style of play remember that and do not take his or her views personally.
  • As youth players develop, not only hockey skills develop but listening skills develop and hockey IQ develops. Talk about this with your mom and dad and understand that your role on a youth hockey team is fluid and do not get discouraged about line placement.
  • Pay attention to your new coaches style and listen to him or her carefully. Ask questions. Engage with your new coach.
  • Line combinations change and opportunities arise on the power play and penalty kill for all players on all lines during all games.
  • Be a team player. It is the beginning of the season. Don’t complain about your line combination at the beginning of the season. Accept your role and do the little things right.
  • Communication on the ice is important on every line.
  • Be a communicator and leader on the ice on the third and fourth line, again same importance as communicating on first and second line.
  • Your attitude and communication is keenly noticed on the third and fourth line I believe more than the first and second line because obviously everyone wants to play on the first line. Coaches are noticing this.
  • No matter what line you are on, give it 100 percent every drill in every practice, every shift in every game.
  • Talent is also sprinkled among all lines. You are a team. Every line’s success is equally as important.
  • Lines in youth hockey are NOT set in stone.
  • For those of you who trained hard this summer during these unprecedented times take a minute to appreciate your own hard work.
  • Tips coming daily through the month of September and October.
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