How to Achieve Your Hockey Bar

Oct 23 Tip: How to Achieve Your Hockey Bar

  • You need to set goals to get to your bar
  • We talk a lot about hockey GOALS at AAA BU
  • We set those goals
  • And make plans to carry them out
  • And then follow through
  • We talk about setbacks and how you must  keep going, because they too are part of the journey
  • ADVERSITY makes you hungrier and teaches you to work harder
  • Makes you grittier
  • You need grit to succeed
  • Especially in sports
  • Adversity is something that EVERYONE goes through even though you may think it is only you, it’s not
  • Set a specific and measurable hockey goal. Such as I want to go blue line to blue line in a certain amount of seconds in six months
  • Chart your speed monthly this season
  • Share this goal with your coach
  • Would be great if he or she could time the whole team and chart everyone’s improvement over the season
  • I tell kids to set PRACTICE GOALS
  • Secretly in your head have PRACTICE GOALS
  • Everything in hockey is a race
  • A game of speed
  • A goal for your hockey practice is to beat the person next to you in every drill
  • Most kids don’t take full advantage of practice and ice time
  • Change your mindset about practice
  • Achieving Practice goals will transform into reaching game goals
  • Another example would be “I want to shoot 500 pucks a day this week” and do it
  • This is a short term attainable goal that will make a MARKED impovement in your shooting immediately
  • Adjust your goals the next week and maybe work on your wrist gripper every single time you are in the car for one week
  • If you get injured adjust the goals accordingly pertaining to your injury
  • Set an ACTION based goal such as a sleep or nutrition goal for one month
  • Then make a plan on how to carry out the action goal, how are you going to eat better and what time are you going to go to bed every night for the next week or month
  • Set short term and long term hockey goals
  • Make a summer training plan now
  • D1 and professional players dedicate their summers to camps, skills, strength training, privates and self discovery
  • And they have since they were young kids
  • The summer is the ultimate hockey growth spurt
  • It is a fact for all athletes in all sports
  • Below is an email from a Dad, his two boys have trained with us several weeks at AAA BU for the past few summers
  • Their growth is unquantifiable in merely the teams that they made this fall
  • They planned
  • They worked for it
  • They practice at home on skill work
  • Cannot wait to see where they go
  • We get these incredible emails every day, Thank you parents for sharing
  • It is a true pleasure working with all of your kids

Hi Jeff,


I want to share with you, some of the effects that a concentrated, extended summer with you has had on the boys. Both made the top teams in their new Association here in MN. Brand new club, 3 or 4 evaluators st each level. None had ever seen the boys before. This is a very tight community celebrating 65 years of hockey this year. Reilly made Bantam AA as a 1st year. MN goes by school grade not birth year. He’d be a second year bantam in MA. So making AA 1st try, is awesome. This is a good club in a tough district. Likewise, Hunzeker made AA squirt. Tons of kids trying out. The tryout process here spanned nearly 3 weeks with each kid skating 6 – 8 separate days including a formal referees scrimmage against another club. Thanks so much for all the training, confidence, and joy you’ve given them over the years and especially these past months.

  • AAA BU ranges from 8-18
  • For the serious player
  • We have two AAA BU weekend camps again this summer

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