Embracing Uncertainty by Pro Ambitions Hockey

I often tell campers to embrace uncertainty because it is a reminder to reengage daily in your commitment to hockey. Hockey is not certain. Every season, team and coach will be different. There are no guarantees of playing time. Or guarantees of things going as planned in hockey. One thing you can do is control what is in your control. Your attitude, training, and daily reengagement to the sport by doing the little things right. If you get into a slump or get out of your groove, it is never too late to reengage. The ups and downs you go through in hockey will make you grittier, hungrier and more resilient which is a good thing. Make a plan with your parents regarding your training or upcoming hockey schedule for the week, month or summer. I always feel better once I make a plan and I think my kids do as well, especially when something doesn’t go their way. Reach out to coaches and people you trust for help with your hockey plan. We just found out that BU cannot host any camps again this year due to the pandemic. We look forward to going back to our home at BU Summer 2022, and are embracing the uncertainty and making a new plan. Pivoting and taking AAA BU Camps on location. Looking forward to heading to Atlanta, LA, and various MA locations with our AAA BU team of coaches and bringing in some NHL Skill Development coaches as guests. Join us for small group training at Boch in Dedham every Saturday and Sunday morning from 730-930am for MA residents only. We take small groups of five hourly and conduct privates. February School Vacation Skill Clinics for MA residents only in Dedham, Canton, Andover and Marlboro. Defense training with Coach Jeff Serowik, Battle training, European Micro Stickhandling Skills training with Coach Marc Concannon and Goalie training with Coach Drew Michals. All career professional skill development coaches. Limited numbers due to MA Hockey covid regulations. www.proambitions.com