- Embrace uncertainty in hockey.
- Most people want to predict the future.
- But nobody can with 100% accuracy.
- Which means there will always be uncertainty.
- My daughter is being recruited by D1 and Ivy League Schools.
- But she is a freshman.
- Nothing is certain.
- All you can control is what you do today.
- Parents email me about their kids not making the team they wanted to make.
- Same thing happened to me many times.
- And my own children.
- It is ok.
- Sports are a marathon not a sprint.
- Stay on your own personal course.
- Control what you can do every day.
- Train.
- Learn.
- Try your best.
- Take the challenge of uncertainty.
- It will push you.
- Keep you on your toes.
- Weak people flee from uncertainty.
- Mentally strong people will embrace it.
- The cream eventually rises to the top.
- No matter what.
- Christmas Vacation Training Clinics in the Boston Area is filling up.
- We have a variety of programming.
- Many campers fly in for one of the two or three day clinics over the school break to train with us annually.
- Mr. Assist is a GREAT stocking stuffer or holiday present.
- It is my favorite hockey training tool.
- It works.
- www.mrassist.com
- www.proambitions.com