2021 Camp Policies and Procedures Document


Due to the closing of BU through the summer we are making contingency plans for all BU Development Camps.
We have tentative locations identified in MA and are patiently awaiting further guidelines from President Trump and Governor Baker.


5/24/2021 Prague/Europe/Straka Update

Dear Prague Tournament Families and Straka Training Camps,

Thank you all for your patience through this very difficult year. We have been pivoting with our USA camps and sitting tight in the holding pattern with our partners in Prague waiting on all of the developing and fluid information concerning the pandemic/vaccines and European Travel in hopes to play in Prague this summer.

After speaking every two to three weeks throughout the year, we were given a final decision via our partner in Prague over the weekend.  She had all of the ice times/rinks/ European teams to compete against/hotels/transfers and all parts of package reserved and ready for us for 2021 and now will move to 2022.

” EU just yesterday announced a statement to open third countries. However there are still too many questions and possible situations that I decided to make the final decision and postpone the tournament to 2022. I am very sorry but the risk would be too big for our group with so many unknowns. I would prefer the tourism is already ongoing than stepping into it at the start ourselves. Therefore we have plenty of European teams reserved to play Pro Ambitions over Christmas vacation tournament and business as usual for 2022.”

As we have been speaking to families individually…here are the options we have presented and will continue to present  NOW with a new option…The Holiday Prague Tournament 2021.


Here are the options:

• Transfer to Prague Teams 2022( almost half of the players have already done this as they feared it would not be the full experience even if we were allowed to go in 2021)

• Use credits for any USA training(many folks have done this or even used a portion)

• Join us to play over the holidays 2021 details below or move to 2022 summer Prague Tournament Teams (age limitations have expanded due to covid19) or mixed bag of all of the options.


Holiday Tournament details so families can book flights now or soon for best pricing:

Tournament Dec 28-30 can book your own flights and arrive on 26th or 27th

*Accommodation at Hotel Hilton Prague ( Prague for 5 nights

*Daily rich buffet style breakfast

*Daily dinner or lunch. Meals will be organized in arena restaurant or downtown or restaurants by the hotel. Ice water on the tables. Drinks not included.

*Motor coach for the whole stay per team and private guide

*Prague guided city tour and Terezin concentration camp excursion as a team

* 2 hours boat cruise on Vltava River with buffet dinner or lunch.

*1hour practice before the tournament

Price 2899$ per person


We look forward to hearing from everyone and working individually with each family as we have been doing. The Prague Tournament is truly the crown jewel of Pro Ambitions, we are very proud of the experience both culturally and athletically.

We look forward to bringing our entire family over the holidays and next summer and meeting all of you.

Please email me Christine Serowik at


Christine and Jeff Serowik


2/15/2021 February Vacation Clinics Update


Pro Ambitions forms and self  health waivers attached

Phillips Academy Waiver and self  Health and  Protocol attached

Jim Roche Arena West Roxbury daily link prior to camp

New England Sports Center daily link prior to camp

New England Sports Center Link must be digitally completed daily prior to entering rink:

Jim Roche Arena Link must be digitally completed daily prior to entering rink:

NESC Marlborough:

We have updated our waiver and check-in process, and will now be using the iCovidScreen system – an online check-in that generates a unique QR code for each person/group to scan as they enter the facility.

EVERYONE (staff, customers, skaters and spectators) must complete the online questionnaire, scan the QR code and be approved before continuing into the facility.

The visitor notice will be posted in numerous locations at the entrance to direct customers to the waiver. Simply type the URL ( into your mobile web browser or scan the QR code at the bottom and follow the steps.

You will need to complete the questionnaire each day you will be at the New England Sports Center. The QR codes are valid for up to 24 hours on the SAME calendar day and can be scanned multiple times per day, allowing customers affiliated with multiple teams to use the same QR code for multiple sessions. PLEASE NOTE: The system resets each night at 11:59 p.m. so the form needs to be filled out on the day you will be visiting. It cannot be filled out the night before.

To cut down on wait times entering the facility, we recommend completing the questionnaire before you arrive and having the QR code out ready to scan. If you do not have a smart phone, please print the QR code and bring it with you.

Our staff will continue to be at both entrances and will be able to assist those who need to fill out the form when they arrive.


Coaches are no longer responsible for completing the waiver on behalf of their groups. Teams will no longer be required to enter as a unit. Coaches, skaters, parents/guardians, siblings and spectators will now check in and enter separately as they arrive, no more than 10 minutes prior to their start time.


Parents/guardians are able to adjust the number of people entering in their party and register young children. Party size is limited to five (5) people – two spectators and up to three siblings.

Any parties over 5 will need to complete a second registration to register the additional people.

After filling out the online form for everyone in your group, you will receive a single QR code that will approve entry for the entire group. Parents/guardians/spectators are now allowed to enter the facility at the same time as their skaters.


If the skater has a cell phone, follow the steps listed above in #2 and have the QR code ready to scan upon entry.

If the skater does not have a cell phone, the parent/guardian will need to either:

  1. A) Print the QR code prior to arriving at the facility to give to the skater.
  2. B) Accompany the skater to the door to scan them in before leaving them at the facility.

Please DO NOT leave the facility before you know that your skater has successfully scanned their QR code and been allowed to continue into the building.


Here are Pro Ambitions guidelines that must be followed:

  • No out of state participants
  • No hockey bags
  • No locker rooms
  • Arrive fully dressed and ready to go
  • Masks to be worn at all times on and off the ice except for drinking
  • Check in at front door with both Pro Ambitions forms filled out and ready to be handed in and link completed on line prior to camp for the arena(link above, forms attached)
  • Drop off no more than 15 minutes prior to clinic. If there is a line for check in please wait in car until line lessens or socially distance in line outside
  • Pick up immediately after clinic at exit door on side of Arena.


Pro Ambitions Hockey, Inc. is adopting a staged approach to reopening, in alignment with the guidelines provided by the State of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We will continue to monitor the situation very closely in accordance with state and federal guidelines and recommendations in order to provide the safest possible environment for our athletes and coaches. At this time ONLY MA residents at MA clinics and NH residents at NH clinics.

For official information and guidelines provided by the State of Massachusetts, please see:

For official information and guidelines provided by the State of New Hampshire, please see:

First and foremost, players AND parents should only attend Pro Ambitions training sessions if you are comfortable and willing. We do not encourage any player to attend who is fearful or uncertain of the environment we provide or uncertain of playing hockey at this time. Hockey is a choice.


  1. Coaches will be wearing facial coverings at all times.
  2. Coaches will check their temperatures before reporting to work daily
  3. Players must provide their own water bottles, Gatorade, sharing water is NOT permitted.
  4. Players must provide their own hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, or anything they may need and will be recommended to use during breaks and immediately following training.

MA: Players and coaches mandated to wear facial coverings at all times

NH: Players and coaches mandated to wear facial coverings at all times


  1. Training groups will be limited to 25 players per playing space and will be grouped further into smaller cohorts.
  2. If multiple groups of 25 on ice, spaces must be separated by 14 feet
  3. No shaking hands, high-5’s, group cheers, huddles, etc.
  4. No hockey bags
  5. Parents/Guardians are not permitted inside rink unless emergency arrives. Please get in touch with us if there is a medical reason or concern to watch your child.
  6. Venue bathrooms may not be open, please try to use at home before coming to training.


  1. If you are feeling ill, STAY HOME.
  2. If you begin to feel sick at a training session, please notify a coach immediately. Player will be moved to a designated isolation area on the turf and parents will be called to remove you from practice.


Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

Fever or chills

Prolonged Cough

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Prolonged Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting


Reference for complete list of symptoms.


In accordance with MA and NH state COVID-19 protocol, if a player attending a Pro Ambitions session contracts COVID-19, please contact Christine Serowik. All those training in the same group as the infected player will be contacted, and will be mandated to follow state protocols regarding close and non close contact tracing.


If a player falls ill during practice, or injures themselves unrelated to COVID-19, parents will still be notified immediately and removal from training will be encouraged.


Only Massachusetts residents permitted to participate in MA hosted programs at this time

Only NH residents permitted to participate in NH hosted programs at this time


Those who actively choose to not follow our protocols and guidelines will be removed from this training series. We are under a strict lens from our facility owners, and the state of MA and NH to provide the safest possible environment for our players. We have a zero tolerance policy for any blatant disregard of our rules and policies.

MA Hockey Covid Resources

USA Hockey Covid Resources


10/12/2020 Update


We hope everyone is safe and healthy and enjoying being back to school(whether in person/online or hybrid) and hockey.  We successfully opened up 50 camps across several states safely adhering to all federal/state/local and rink guidelines. Our 2021 camp schedule is live. We will be emailing campers with Pro Ambitions credits first  to let them know the 2021 schedule is live  so they have the first notice and opportunity  to sign up for 2021 camps.  We encourage  parents to read  USA Hockey’s Covid19 guideline page:

“USA Hockey will sanction hockey for the 2020-21 season and medical experts have confirmed that with taking appropriate precautions, it is indeed safe to play hockey today.”

Here is a great Q And A taken from USA Hockey Page that we at Pro Ambitions agree with whole heartedly:

“ Question (Anthony N.): Understanding that water droplets (even those that may suspend in air for a given time) are likely being expelled into the air through sweat, talking/yelling out drills, and heavier breathing during play, how can a sport like hockey be considered safe, especially with the high potential of direct contact, potentially spreading/sharing water droplets through gear and jerseys? 

Answer: Hockey and other youth sports provide an important vehicle for the physical, social and mental well-being of our children and families. The choice to participate is a personal one. There are responsible ways to play sports and that playing sports provide positive health benefits for physical, social and mental well-being, but there is always some level of risk. The chance of viral transmission from hockey gear or jerseys is unknown. Risk can be reduced by frequent hand sanitation, avoid touching the face and disinfection of equipment and jerseys after each use. “


Due to Covid19 we ask parents to only leave a deposit for AAA BU BOARDING 2021.

If  boarding is not advisable by the state of MA or BU we will conduct AAA BU Day Camps as we did in 2020. Unfortunately last summer the entire campus was closed but it is currently open and all of our camp spaces for 2021 are reserved.  We will continue to monitor the situation closely with our partners at BU.

10/2/2020 Update – 2021 AAA BU Update from Boston University regarding Covid19 2021

Boston University is continuing to hold Pro Ambitions facility space and housing requests for our summer 2021 program. Both Boston University and Pro Ambitions will be closely monitoring the developing situation of Covid 19. Our partnership has mutually been an absolute pleasure and we both look forward to training the youth of The Nation again as we have been for over a decade at Boston University and are planning for Summer 2021. If you sign up for AAA BU Boarding 2021 we highly recommend only paying the deposit at this time. We recommend this so the deposit may be transferred to the day camp option or another US based day camp at the same rate. Thanks!

6/8/2020 Update – COVID19 Questionnaire

All parents are mailed this questionnaire a couple weeks prior to camp as well as being asked to sign upon entering the rink the first day of camp with their child. – (Click Here to see questionnaire)

AAA BU Development Camp Announcement

Hi All AAA BU Development Campers. We have been preparing a plan for our AAA BU Development Camps since we found out BU will be closing for the summer due to COVID19. We have found a home at several rinks identified around MA. We are waiting on MA state guidelines from President Trump and Governor Baker. We have been making contingency plans daily for all camps preparing for small groups and social distancing. For example we have the guidelines for CO TX and GA and they are allowing 10-15 kids on the ice at a time. This will be a lot of ice for a small number of kids and very personalized instruction with our top flight of professional BU Development Coaches.

We will update the page again as soon as we get the MA guidelines. We have secured some later weeks in the summer as well for AAA BU Development Camps that will be small groups on location. We will allow families to switch to any available AAA BU weeks per availability. We are not able to provide boarding for summer 2020 but will be offering several small group training options at several rinks as soon as we get the guidelines.

This is now the second time in Pro Ambitions history that we have had to move AAA BU Development Camps on location as we called it. Many of you may remember when BU had to repair the rink and we were not notified until spring. Worked out well then as it will this summer with the small group individual training.

Monitoring all situations closely and will continue to update this AAA BU page and be in touch when news is definitive very shortly and how everything will run. Check back daily as we expect to have an announcement from Governor Baker on May 4.

All camps are a go, look forward to getting back to hockey!

Any questions email

The Pro Ambitions COVID19 POLICY

(Important now that things are starting to open up state by state) - updated May 6

  • Like all businesses and parents we watch the news daily for updates from President Trump and our home state Governor Baker in MA and monitor all states, camps, rinks and locations closely.
  • We currently have guidelines for CO and our first camp June 1.
  • We contact all of our rinks and ask them their COVID19 cleaning policies.
  • We are preparing contingency plans daily for small group training and identifying alternative rinks constantly mostly for all camps held at schools colleges that have close until further notice.
  • Here is what we know and how things will run at our first camp in Littleton Co June 1-5. The rink and state guidelines are allowing 8 kids on the ice at a time with two coaches. We will have 4 skaters and one coach on each end of the ice. Our coaches will wear masks and gloves and be prepared with hand sanitizer. We are not offering off ice training at our first camp during the phase one opening of the country. The rink manager has asked us for campers to come dressed and ready to skate in equipment except for skate. No parents watching because they want to limit amount of people in rink. We will be offering extra ice time so each camper will get 1.5 hours of on ice training each day of the camp week. On top of this small group training which is the silver lining we will also put a $100voucher in campers accounts for a future Pro Ambitions Camp that will never expire. Owner Jeff Serowik and a coach from our AAA BU Development Team will travel to Denver for our first camp back. All campers will work equally with both coaches.
  • As each state opens up we will update this page, send email blasts and contact each family enrolled in  that particular camp.
  • May 18 is a big date for a MA announcement, Nationwide Announcement and a lot of states…
  • We will be offering a lot of small group training and privates throughout the summer at Boch Arena in Dedham MA that you may sign up for that now.
  • We offer virtual privates that are going amazing that you may sign up for now as well.
  • We are planning on our Bruins weekend camp to go off on May 22 at Warrior Arena. Again we are waiting on the final announcement from Governor Baker May 18. The Bruins and Pro Ambitions monitor all situations in MA closely. We are also waiting on hearing decisions from The NHL and Hockey East for the fall.  Proudly both of our partners.
  • Boston University which is our flagship home location has closed for the summer and possibly till January. We are again waiting for May 18 Governor Baker announcement to let folks know where BU AAA Development Camps will be held. We have identified several rinks and will be in touch with all BU families to help accommodate. Switching weeks, adding weeks, etc. We are here to help. We do have a precedent of one prior year when BU closed due to rink repairs and we were not notified until spring. We held BU on location and it worked out great. There will be no BU boarding.
  • We are looking forward to opening up slowly adhering to all guidelines from President Trump, each state’s governor and our rinks and getting BACK TO HOCKEY AND TRAINING THE YOUTH OF THE NATION.


10/12/20 Self Attestation Form

Requirements for employees working at Pro Ambitions in the office and on/off the ice for Pro Ambitions Hockey, Inc.

Employees who work are required to daily SELF ATTEST

  • Attest that they are symptom-free each scheduled work day.
  • Take their temperature at home before coming to work.
  • Stay away from their work location if they are experiencing symptoms and therefore unable to complete the attestation.
  • Contact Pro Ambitions if :
    • diagnosed with COVID-19;
    • a healthcare provider instructs the employee to self-isolate because they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms;
    • they experience COVID-19 like symptoms; and/or
    • they have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 (even if not experiencing symptoms).


All Pro Ambitions Coaches,

This is a reminder of to all coaches of Pro Ambitions Hockey, Inc. to adhere to the following safety precautions regarding Covid19.

We ask that you do the following daily at home  before reporting to work:

  • Take your temperature at home before reporting to the rink for work
  • Stay home if you feel ill or display any symptoms of being ill
  • Let us know if you have been exposed to anyone who is ill and stay home as a precaution
  • Wear a mask at all times
  • Stay socially distant of other employees, campers, and other coaches 6 feet apart
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Use hand sanitizer on your own and use at rink facility
  • Limit the amount of campers in a locker room to adhere to social distancing guidelines of six feet apart
  • Remind campers to keep mask on and worn properly at all times
  • Remind campers to stay socially distant both on and off the ice
  • Report if you see a camper who appears ill to their parents and ask that they do not come back to camp


June 8 update:

Littleton CO-successfully completed with Serowik and Coach Mike Sones and Team

This week June 8th– Serowik and Team in Atlanta and Houston and small group training opened up today in Boston MA we are at Boch Arena in Dedham MA with Coach Marc Concannon AAA BU On Ice Director

Small Group Training in Dedham MA all summer- we are sold out for the next few weeks, sign up for this now it is going fast


Aston, PA – Postponed to 2021

North Charleston, SC – Postponed to 2021

Aspen, CO – Postponed to 2021

Fort Collins, CO – Postponed to 2021

Long Island, NY – Postponed to 2021

Marthas Vineyard, MA – Postponed to 2021

Scottsdale, AZ 6/1-6/5 – Postponed until Aug 3-7 2020

Bruins clinic May 22 Weekend Postponed . Awaiting further guidance from Governor Baker on May 18. Monitoring situation closely with The Bruins and Warrior Arena.

Littleton CO June 1-5 : camp is a go adhering to state federal and rink guidelines. Will be in touch with all campers for small group details and guidelines.

Marietta GA June 8-12: camp is a go adhering to state federal and rink guidelines. Will be in touch with all campers for small group details and guidelines.

ALL European Tournaments and Camps including Straka Training Camp in Pilsen Czech Republic Postponed until 2021 by our partners in Europe. Pro Ambitions will be in touch with all families. (as of May 15 2020)

Allston, MA 8/3-8/7 – Following Bruin’s request will now be a 2 hour clinic. Please email for questions.

Vernon, NJ 8/16 – 8/21 – Boarding camps cancelled. We were able to offer Vernon NJ as a day camp.

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